Supporter’s Charter

Broomhill Football Club Supporters Charter

July 2023

Broomhill Football Club recognises the special bond between Club and supporters. It recognises and  respects the invaluable contribution the supporters make to the life of the Club. As such, the Club makes  every effort to ensure that its policies and practices are open, accessible, and communicated as  effectively as possible with its supporters.  

The Club will conduct an annual review of its customer charter and associated activities and make  changes as appropriate in line with the guidance from relevant governing bodies. Documentary evidence  of this shall be included in the Club’s audit submission.  

Key Issues  

1. Accessibility  
2. Away Support  
3. Loyalty & Membership  
4. Consultation & Information  
5. Community Activity  
6. Merchandise  
7. Staff Conduct  
8. Customer Service  


1.1 Broomhill FC continues to strive for wider access to matches as below.  

1.1.1 The Club offers a broad range of ticket prices. Customers buying more expensive seats or  packages enable us to charge other customers less for their tickets. From single match tickets and  family tickets to corporate packages, a range of tickets are available.  

1.1.2 More than 50 % of tickets to each game are made available to non-season ticket holders.  

1.1.3 Concessions are available for senior citizens over 60 years of age, and for junior supporters and  disabled supporters plus carers where appropriate. No seating offers a restricted view to supporters.  (Our meaning of “restricted view” is where you have to move to gain an unrestricted view. Movement of  the head to the side to gain a view is not considered a restricted view.)  

1.1.4 Areas of the ground representing are made available for the exclusive use of family groups.  

1.1.5 Support for disabled and visually impaired supporters and their carers. Our disability co-ordinator  can be contacted at Dumbarton Football Stadium on 01389 762569.  

1.1.6 The Club offers free or reduced admission to replays of abandoned games. If a match is  abandoned having kicked off, you may be entitled to a refund of the cash admission charge paid at the  turnstile in the determination of the Club/Event Organiser acting reasonably. Where a match is  abandoned before the expiry of the first half admission vouchers for the rearranged fixture will be issued  to those who attend the abandoned match. The issue of such vouchers in cases where the match is  abandoned after the expiry of the first half shall be a matter for the reasonable discretion of the Club.  

1.1 Tickets for cup competitions are announced to supporters following discussions between the clubs.  Away clubs will receive a minimum of 10 % of tickets, and tickets for Cup matches are usually offered to  season ticket holders and official supporters clubs in the first instance, and then to the general public.  

1.1.1 As a general rule, ticket refunds are only issued in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion  of the club.  


2.1 The Club does not charge admission prices to supporters of a visiting club which are higher than  those charged to our own supporters for comparable accommodation. Our concessionary rates offered to  senior citizens and junior supporters apply to supporters of a visiting club. The Club also intends to offer  tickets for away visually impaired fans at the same admission price and with the same facilities as home  fans. 

2.2 The Club abides by the SLFL and SFA rules governing the allocation of tickets to visiting clubs.  3. LOYALTY & MEMBERSHIP  

3.1 The Club offers all Season Ticket holders early access to the Supporters Bar.  3.2 The Club subject to demand, organises and escorts mascots for every home fixture.  


4.1 The Club publicises its position on major policy issues in a concise format through the official club  Internet website, and through press releases and where appropriate Official Social Media platforms.  

4.2 The Club is in regular consultation with shareholders, sponsors, the local authority, and other  interested parties.  

4.3 The Club gives the earliest possible notice of any changes to its ticketing policy and the reasons for  the changes.  

4.4 The Club will undertake research and consultation on the design and number of new strips.  


5.1 The Club supports activity in both the local community and the wider football community.  

5.1.1The Club seeks to promote close links between the Club and its community and to introduce young  people, male and female, to football as players and spectators.  

5.2 The Club will support and work with outside agencies, especially disadvantaged groups (disabled,  ethnic minorities and the unemployed.)  

5.3 Regarding anti-racism initiatives, the Club supports the aims of leading initiatives such as “Show Racism the Red Card” to tackle problems of racism in the game.  

5.4 The Club supports pre-arranged stadium tours to all interested parties.  

5.9 The Club supports local community and schools events that promote youth football and grass roots  football.  


6.1 Both home and away replica strip designs will normally have a life span of at least one or two  seasons, unless changes are enforced due to contractual obligations.  

6.2 The Club intends to communicate with its supporters regarding new replica strip designs and  prospective launch dates.  

6.3 Future details of the next intended change of kits will be made available from the club shop.  6.4 The Club carries out its obligations to prevent price fixing in relation to the sale of replica strip.  6.5 The Club offers refunds on merchandise in accordance with its legal obligations.  

6.6 The Club will not knowingly buy goods from any supplier or manufacturer who does not comply fully  with the labour, safety and other relevant laws of the countries of manufacture with respect to minimum  wages, hours of work, overtime, sick pay and holiday entitlement.  


7.1 It is the policy of the Club that there should be equal opportunity for all. This applies to external  recruitment, internal appointment, terms of employment, conditions of service, and opportunity for  training and promotion regardless of sex, marital status, creed or religion, colour, race, age, disability,  sexual orientation or ethnic or national origin. Also, the Club is committed to the development and  promotion of such equality of opportunity. The policy also applies equally to the treatment of our  customers, clients and suppliers.  


Broomhill Football Club…

8.1 strive to provide value for money in all areas of its business.  

1.1.1. seeks to achieve the highest level of service  

1.1.2. will treat all customers with respect and courtesy.  

8.2 The Club responds promptly to any contact from a customer.  

8.2.1 To avoid confusion, Broomhill Football Club prefers all complaints to be made in writing by letter  and will respond in form. In the first instance, we encourage customers to contact the club which is  committed to acknowledge any letter of complaint within 3 working days of receipt and will endeavour to  provide a full response within 10 days or Email  

8.2.2 If your complaint has not been dealt with speedily and efficiently by the department concerned,  then recourse is again in writing to The Chairman as follows:  

Broomhill Football Club Ltd  
Dumbarton Football Stadium  
Castle Street  
G82 1J