Season tickets are issued subject to the following regulations:
All season tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable. The use of a season ticket for one or more matches attended in person will be considered to constitute the acceptance of the terms and conditions of use. If terms and conditions are not accepted you should contact the club immediately and any associated season ticket or membership card should be returned.
A season ticket gives you access to the specified seat for valid first team Lowland League fixtures only. The club reserves the right to change its advertised fixtures without notice or without liability. Play cannot be guaranteed to take place on a particular date at any particular time.
Season Tickets remain the property of Open Goal Broomhill FC and its use is subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of use.
Each season ticket is valid for the advertised match date or any date to which a match is re-scheduled. NO REFUNDS will be given under any circumstances.
Concession season tickets are available to persons aged over 65’s and under 14’s. A person’s age on 23rd July 2022 will determine the category of season pass. Proof of age will be required and must be provided upon request.
The Club reserves the right to re-locate reserved seats for safety or segregation reasons. The club cannot guarantee your seat will not be affected by adverse weather conditions.
The Club reserves the right to re-locate reserved seats in line with the covid-19 government restrictions. The club cannot guarantee you will sit in the seat you reserve due to social distancing requirements.
Season ticket holders may be allocated another seat for any matches they can attend in person during the covid-19 pandemic, and these cannot be swapped or moved. If the crowd numbers are limited, allocations will be managed by a ballot process. Season ticket holders will be prioritised for any ballots.
Season ticket holders are subject to ground regulations which are displayed in the Stadium.
The Club has a strict behavioural policy. Racial and sectarian abuse will not be tolerated at any time. Repeated use of foul or abusive language will be regarded as verbal assault and offenders will be ejected from the Stadium.
Serious misconduct will result in your ticket being cancelled without refund or compensation.
Entry to the ground is conditional upon season ticket holders consent to being searched on entering the stadium and to the confiscation of prohibited items in terms of the ground regulations.
Standing is forbidden in seated viewing areas.
Broomhill FC Limited, SC535003, 104 Henderland Road, Glasgow, G61 1JB
Please note that IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRIMINAL LAW (CONSOLIDATION) (SCOTLAND) ACT 1995 it is an offence punishable by law for any person to enter or attempt to enter the stadium:
- Whilst in possession of a prohibited container which is or was capable of holding liquid and which if thrown would be capable of causing injury to another person
- Whilst in possession of alcohol
- Whilst drunk
- Whilst in possession of any article or substance whose main purpose is the emission of a flare for purposes of illuminating or signalling of the emission of smoke or visible gas
- Whilst in possession of a firework